Custom Security Solutions
Our expert technicians will help you evaluate whether a hard-wired burglar alarm or wireless security system is best for your home. Both security systems have their advantages.
A professionally installed hard-wired alarm system provides the most cost effective, maintenance-free operation. Solid state electronics have a very low failure rate, resulting in very few service calls. Our skilled technicians pride themselves on their ability to get wires into seemingly impossible places ensuring our customers have the most reliable security system possible.
Security Alarm System Components
Control Panel
At Home Security Centers, we know a good home alarm system should easily accommodate itself to the normal flow of life within your home without intruding upon your freedom. It is important that the control panel be easy to use and have an extensive set of convenience features that will allow you to operate it in harmony with your changing daily schedule. Many different brands and models are available to fit any size home or office.
If you live in or around the Denver area, call us today and one of our expert technicians will come to your home to provide you with a free estimate on a home security system that fits your lifestyle.
*All of our residential security systems include a rechargeable backup battery to maintain alarm continuity during a commercial power failure. In addition, a telephone line cut monitor is included to sound the siren if someone tampers with the phone line.
The alarm system is operated by a digital keypad with buttons similar to those on a touch-tone phone. There are no keys to locate or lose. In response to numeric codes of your choice, it will arm or disarm the system. In addition, by using the three 24 hour emergency dispatch buttons located on the keypad, you can summon police, fire, and medical assistance. Typically these would be located by the garage door to the house and the master bedroom. Some people find it convenient to include one at the front door.
Remote Controls
When entering the house with an arm full of groceries a remote control can give you the ease of turning off the alarm without fear of false alarms. The panic buttons on a remote control can also provide a secure feeling when working in your yard or walking from a detached garage.
Sirens are an important part of any alarm system. They attract your neighbors' attention and increase a burglar's stress level. A powerful exterior and interior siren is should be part of your alarm system.
Door Sensors
80% of all burglaries occur through doors. All exterior doors should be equipped with alarm sensors. These sensors are hidden in the door and frame, and all wiring is concealed in the walls.
Window Sensors
To provide protection for the 20% of burglaries that do not involve a door, magnetic contacts should be installed on each accessible window. Underwriter Laboratory standards consider a window to be accessible if it is within eight feet of the ground or something that a burglar can climb on.
Another alternative for window detection is alarm screens. Alarm screens allow you to leave the windows open for ventilation in the summer while still retaining your protection.
Motion Sensors
To complete the detection plan, motion detectors are most often installed as interior traps. They should be located to cut off the master bedroom, dining room and stairs. They can be arranged so that your dog or cats can move freely about inside the house but a person walking through will be detected.
Glass Breakage Detection
Like motion sensors, audio discriminators provide a second line of defense. Audio discriminators operate by detecting the sound of breaking glass. Glass doors and windows that come within eighteen inches of the floor are made with tempered glass. For safety, tempered glass crumbles when broken instead of leaving jagged glass shards. When using audio discriminators, they should be placed to cover these doors and windows. Audio discriminators help detect an intruder before they have entered your home while providing you with unrestricted movement inside.
Smoke Detection
Early detection and alarm are crucial to lowering the danger and damage of a fire. Alarm system smoke detectors can act as your fire detection system or supplement or your local smoke detectors and when connected to your monitored alarm system, will alert the proper authorities even when you are not at home.
*Current building code requires that a smoke detector be installed in each bedroom, outside each bedroom area, and one per floor.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Invisible and odorless, carbon monoxide buildup in a home can be deadly. Carbon Monoxide Detectors can give you early warning to harmful buildup so that you may react, ventilating the home and correct the problem.
*Current building code requires that a carbon monoxide detector be installed outside each bedroom area and one per floor.
Water Detectors
An overflowing toilet can cause as much damage as fire if not detected and repaired in a timely manor. Water sensors help to prevent costly damage to your house when placed by toilets and washing machines by alerting you to a problem. When connected to a shut off valve, water sensors can immediately stop the flow of water.
Safe Entry Light
A strobe light can be mounted at a convenient location on the outside of your home. By observing this light, you will know that your home has not been disturbed while you were away and that it is safe to enter. In addition, its bright, flashing light will make it easier for emergency personnel to identify your home.